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Advertising Through the Ages

Home appliances mirroring society

Advertising and the presentation of products are expressions of their time. Looking back from today’s perspective, the past is surprisingly clear.

Advertising reflects developments, wishes and desires of the society. Everyday life is compressed, and the immediate future visualized. The advertised products promise an idealized, perfect world that is made even easier and more beautiful. A nostalgic and a little ironic look back on decades of enthusiastic home appliance communication.

Text: Dietmar Bittrich. The Hamburg-based satirist is the author of numerous books, including best-sellers like “Alle Orte, die man knicken kann” [All the places you can bend], “Urlaub mit der buckligen Verwandtschaft” [Vacation with the hunchbacked relatives], “Das Gummibärchen-Orakel” [The gummy bear oracle] as well as various Christmas books, most recently “Diesmal bleiben wir bis Silvester!” [This time we’re staying until New Year’s Eve!]. Dietmar Bittrich was born in Trieste as the child of German immigrants and lives in Hamburg today. www.dietmar-bittrich.de

Photos: ©Robert Bosch GmbH Corporate Archives, BSH Hausgeräte GmbH Corporate Archives, Siemens Corporate Archives


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