Header Cooperation Platform

Supplier Portal

General Terms and Conditions for the Procurement of Goods, Services and Works

Digital "Teamcenter" for improved collaboration

BSH has implemented the innovative development system "Teamcenter". We use this system to support the management and exchange of data with our external partners.


As a partner of all global BSH sales regions, with the exception of China, please log in using the BSH File Exchange (FX) portal:

Login to BSH Teamcenter

As a partner of BSH China, please use our dedicated China portal:

Login To Our BSH Teamcenter China

BSH logo for business partners and suppliers

We repeatedly receive requests to use our logo. The use of the BSH logo is generally subject to approval. We only permit use under specific conditions; we reserve the right to revoke previously granted approval at any time.

BSH Logo

Therefore please answer few questions on this form


and send it to your contact person at BSH, with a few words of explanation about your query.


Questions or feedback? We’re here to help. Find out who to contact.